Fair Positions Available or Needing Helpers
Volunteer Coordinator - No current person in this position. It has been covered by our Project Drop Off families but needs an official overseer to ensure a smooth schedule for volunteers.
Events Coordinator - Currently being covered by Trish Evans who is acting Fair Coordinator but would love some assistance and someone to eventually take on this position.
For more info on this please contact us!
Vendor Booth Coordinator - Thank you to Laura Rodriguez for committing to this! She can use help from a team so please consider signing up still to help with VendorBooths!
Vendor Booth Coordinator Job Description:
1. November/December - Email past vendors in. Follow up in Feb/March.
2. March - send an email telling everyone that if they send in their booth agreement by April 15th, they will receive free advertising on homeschoolfair.com
3. When a contract is received, make a copy of the check and number the contract starting with 001, 002, 003, etc. This will serve as the vendor's confirmation number. It also serves as a record as to which contract is received first. This is very important as time gets closer and you decide where to put people.
3. After the contract is received and processed, call the person and let them know it was received and what their confirmation number is. This part is very important to follow up with the person as sometimes contracts get sent to the wrong address (registration address). Also let them know that you will be calling them back one week prior to the fair to confirm all information with them.
4. First week of May start placing people in booth spaces. Put paying vendors in the best places first (near the school). Keep the food vendor's in a "food court". Place student booths between paying vendors. No competing vendors. For example if someone is selling Doterra no one else can sell Doterra products but young living oils would be allowed. This is very important for student booths. You don't want 20 cookie booths. Tell students no you can't sell cookies because there already is a booth or two selling them but they could sell brownies.
5. MAKE SURE TO CALL ALL YOU VENDORS ONE WEEK PRIOR TO THE FAIR!! Confirm with them that set up time is 6:30 -8:30. They must be completely set up and ready to go by 8:45 the morning of the fair. Also let them know there is only one gate to enter in through and parking is in the back parking lot. Also they need to be set up until 4.00 pm fair day.
6. Be at Ontario Christian High School at 6am and check everyone in at the gate. Hand them a copy of the map and show them where to go and what booth space they are in.
7. Make rounds after everyone is set up and just check to see if they need anything and how things are going. At this time give 10.00 deposit back to student booths, if they follow all directions.
8. At this point your job is done. Enjoy the fair. The most important points are follow up, follow up, follow up. Lots of communication between fair chair, vendors and yourself.
Events Coordinator - Currently being covered by Trish Evans who is acting Fair Coordinator but would love some assistance and someone to eventually take on this position.
For more info on this please contact us!
Vendor Booth Coordinator - Thank you to Laura Rodriguez for committing to this! She can use help from a team so please consider signing up still to help with VendorBooths!
Vendor Booth Coordinator Job Description:
1. November/December - Email past vendors in. Follow up in Feb/March.
2. March - send an email telling everyone that if they send in their booth agreement by April 15th, they will receive free advertising on homeschoolfair.com
3. When a contract is received, make a copy of the check and number the contract starting with 001, 002, 003, etc. This will serve as the vendor's confirmation number. It also serves as a record as to which contract is received first. This is very important as time gets closer and you decide where to put people.
3. After the contract is received and processed, call the person and let them know it was received and what their confirmation number is. This part is very important to follow up with the person as sometimes contracts get sent to the wrong address (registration address). Also let them know that you will be calling them back one week prior to the fair to confirm all information with them.
4. First week of May start placing people in booth spaces. Put paying vendors in the best places first (near the school). Keep the food vendor's in a "food court". Place student booths between paying vendors. No competing vendors. For example if someone is selling Doterra no one else can sell Doterra products but young living oils would be allowed. This is very important for student booths. You don't want 20 cookie booths. Tell students no you can't sell cookies because there already is a booth or two selling them but they could sell brownies.
5. MAKE SURE TO CALL ALL YOU VENDORS ONE WEEK PRIOR TO THE FAIR!! Confirm with them that set up time is 6:30 -8:30. They must be completely set up and ready to go by 8:45 the morning of the fair. Also let them know there is only one gate to enter in through and parking is in the back parking lot. Also they need to be set up until 4.00 pm fair day.
6. Be at Ontario Christian High School at 6am and check everyone in at the gate. Hand them a copy of the map and show them where to go and what booth space they are in.
7. Make rounds after everyone is set up and just check to see if they need anything and how things are going. At this time give 10.00 deposit back to student booths, if they follow all directions.
8. At this point your job is done. Enjoy the fair. The most important points are follow up, follow up, follow up. Lots of communication between fair chair, vendors and yourself.